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Irish Folk-Rock Fireworks: The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats at Fabrik Coesfeld on 28.10.2023!

Coesfeld, are you ready to take a look back at the night the factory shook? The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats rocked the place, and we’ve captured the evidence in the form of epic visuals! Sit back, grab a drink and let’s reminisce together.

Coesfeld, the factory is on fire!

The factory in Coesfeld wasn’t just a venue, it was the scene of an Irish-inspired explosion! Our images capture the magic, from the dizzying violin sounds to the enthusiastic fans who made the roof shake. Coesfeld, you have definitely shown how to celebrate!

Fans in the spotlight

In our picture gallery, not only the musicians are the heroes, but also YOU – the fantastic fans! From euphoric chants to wild dancing, your energy has brought the factory to a boil. Every picture tells a story, and you are the protagonists!

Backstage moments to smile at

What actually happens behind the scenes? Our backstage pictures give you an exclusive insight. From laid-back preparations to laid-back paddyhat moments, here you can see the band in all its authenticity.

Shares the memories

The picture gallery is yours! Share the best snaps with your friends, the O’Reillys community, and the world. Let’s celebrate the memories of this special evening at the Coesfeld factory together!

Click through the picture gallery and let yourself be carried away by the energy of this unforgettable concert. 🎶🍀